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Gerard Kugel, DMD, MS, PhD
Dear Readers:
How many times do you read journal articles and wonder, “Is this based on real science or marketing hype?”
If you’re like most practitioners, you are well-satisfied with the quantity of information available on dental products and procedures; but what about the quality? How can you tell if what you’re reading is truly valuable and relevant to your practice and the profession-at-large?
By reading Inside Dentistry.
Our new publication is the first dental journal to offer all of the following:
- Unparalleled objectivity—All articles, research papers, and even case studies undergo a blind evaluation by 2 peer reviewers.
- Depth and expertise of the editorial board—Each and every one of our reviewers, including myself, have a minimum of 15 years’ experience. The majority of our reviewers are university based, and all are respected leaders in their areas of specialty.
- Dynamic and controversial topics covered in a journalistic style—Each publication will address a controversial topic in dentistry with thought-provoking coverage of oral care’s most important issues.
- A 3-part promise of editorial excellence—Clarity, objectivity, and relevance in reporting are our objectives. We will also endeavor to present a practical interpretation of cutting edge research and clinical techniques.
- Continuing education credits, free of charge—Through article reviews and on-line testing, we will make available accessible and affordable CE.
- A commitment to open-dialogue with our readers—A website/email address and a chat room have been specifically designed to exchange your valued concerns and ideas. We encourage feedback, both positive and negative, in order to improve the quality of our publication.
- All subscriptions are complimentary.
When asked to assume the responsibilities of Editor-in-Chief, I considered that such an ambitious dental periodical has been long overdue. The publishers are dedicated to the pursuit of journalistic excellence and editorial content development reflective of a thorough research-based understanding and scientific analysis of the topics and techniques discussed. It is my belief that by translating this commitment into a publication that interprets a relevant knowledge base into practical and useful applications, we can further the advancement of oral healthcare, which is of course our collective objective.
For this reason I am proud to service as the Editor-in-Chief of Inside Dentistry. We know that the value of our efforts rests solely on our ability to respond to the full depth and breadth of your information requirements. What’s more, we welcome that challenge.
And so, we welcome you to the very first edition of Inside Dentistry. We invite you to enjoy our work and hope that you will make it an indispensable tool for solid decision-making in your dental practice, both today and tomorrow.
With sincere thanks,
Gerard Kugel, DMD, MS, PhD
Associate Dean for Research
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Boston, MA