Various Benefits in Just One Bottle
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Two main principles guide my general and cosmetic dentistry practice. First, I adhere to a high standard of quality control and total quality management. Second, I want every patient to walk out of my office and say, "why would I go anywhere else?" I only use the best products on my patients. One of those products, iBOND® Universal, combines the options of total-etch, self-etch, or selective-etch into one bottle. Because of its extremely low pH, it achieves an outstanding enamel bond-even in self-etch mode. In my opinion, iBOND Universal is the new gold standard for adhesives.
How does the selective-etch mode serve as a fail-safe?
Previous self-etch products risked damaging the dentin bond with phosphoric acid, but that is no longer an issue.
What does the creation of "super dentin" accomplish?
An acid-base resistant zone in the self-etch area can prevent primary and secondary caries.
What is the impact of it being acetone-based?
Without water in the adhesive, there is less chance of dentin bond degradation or hydrolysis, long-term.