Time goes by so fast. We're already halfway through the year, and it's time for Inside Dentistry's annual implant issue. Summer is on the horizon, and with summer's warmer weather and increased activity, a lot of people become more focused on looking their best. They're getting into better shape, polishing up their cars-it's just a more esthetic season.
Accordingly, the esthetic demands of the warmer weather may get you thinking about the needs of your patients and how adding implants to your practice could allow you to provide them with more esthetic solutions. Our June cover story examines the current state of implantology and explores how advanced techniques such as immediate implant placement and immediate provisionalization can improve efficiency and patient satisfaction with this treatment.
And if you already do implants, you may have some patients with failing ones who could benefit from a guided bone regeneration procedure and/or soft-tissue augmentation to improve their esthetics and function. This month's Inside Implants article by Giorgio Tabanella, DDS, MS, presents a simplified approach to performing these procedures in a case involving iatrogenic failure.
It's been 32 years since I graduated from the University of Iowa, and dentistry has changed dramatically, especially regarding implants. If you are not furthering your knowledge through continuing education, you will be left behind. This month's CE article by Barry P. Levin, DMD, examines the indications and contraindications for the removal of failing implants and discusses the considerations and benefits involved in the use of reverse torque instrumentation when compared with explantation using a trephine drill.
I hope that the first half of the year went well for you all. With few dental meetings occurring, summer is a time for dentists to relax and unwind. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family until things pick up again in the fall. Enjoy!
Robert C. Margeas, DDS
Editor-in-Chief, Inside Dentistry
Private Practice
Des Moines, Iowa
Adjunct Professor
Department of Operative Dentistry
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa