Super-Snap X-Treme™
Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA Owner Academy of Chairside Assisting Virginia Beach, Virginia
I have been a full-time practicing dental assistant for more than 25 years and currently practice in Virginia Beach. Over the years, I have seen many changes in the dental industry that influence the way that we practice and teach. Evolving technologies and patient expectations can impact treatment plans, specialties, and available materials and products.
A shift toward adult orthodontics and advancements in materials and technology contributed to the development of clear aligner tray orthodontic systems. These alternatives to bracket and wire systems offer a more esthetically appealing option to treat mild as well as more complex occlusal disease problems, while enabling treatment to proceed in an efficient, hygienic, and comfortable manner. Although brackets, wires, and bands are unnecessary for this type of orthodontic system, some clear aligner treatment plans use composite attachment points for demanding anchorage requirements.
When aligner therapy is complete, if attachment removal is necessary, it can be a sensitive component of orthodontic treatment. It is vital to choose the most appropriate product for your patient in order to achieve the best result. Because composite is bonded to enamel, there is a risk of damaging healthy tooth structure during its removal. If an inappropriate product is chosen, surface roughness can lead to many problems and complications for patients, including demineralization, gingivitis, and diminished esthetics, which can detract from the overall success of orthodontic treatment. Utilizing an armamentarium that is designed specifically for aligner therapy makes attachment removal both safe and efficient.
With two grit sizes, the Super-Snap X-Treme™ nonmetal flexible disks facilitate fast, easy, and safe removal of composite and enhanced enamel finishing and polishing for my patients. They are flexible and durable, which makes them easy to work with. A polishing paste with superfine diamond particles (eg, DirectDia Polishing Paste) can be used with buffer disks to eliminate the potential mess associated with conventional polishing paste syringe systems and create a high quality polish.
The added thickness of the Super-Snap X-Treme polishers allows for greater force to be applied during polishing, which enhances the tactile feel and improves control while producing higher gloss. In addition, the aluminum oxide grits on the red superfine disks utilize a 3-dimensional arrangement that allows for debris to be more effectively discharged during polishing, which reduces the chance of secondary scratches and further enhances the level of gloss.
If you're looking to increase the esthetics of your restorations, use the Super-Snap X-Treme system with Beautifil Flow Plus X®. You won't be disappointed.
Key Takeaways
1. The thickness allows greater force while polishing, providing added flexibility, durability, and tactile feel.
2. It maintains a smooth polishing disk surface and meets the esthetic expectations of today's patients.
3. Available in two sizes, it can be used in conjunction with other Super-Snap refill disks.
4. The 3D, semispherical shaped grits allow space for ground debris to be discharged while polishing.
Manufacturer Information
Shofu Dental
Circle 47 on Reader Service Card