Predictability Benefits Practice Workflow
I've been a full-time practicing dentist in the St. Louis, Missouri, area for more than 25 years, and I place a heavy emphasis on comprehensive esthetics. Since beginning, I've expanded and now own several practices in the St. Louis area. I was looking for a hybrid material that would provide a highly esthetic restoration with great clinical characteristics and less brittleness and opposing wear than what is seen with other, harder ceramic materials. I found that the Shofu Block HC looks great right out of the mill without the need for a firing oven, and it is easy to obtain a great, long-lasting polish using traditional polishing abrasives. The material will fit into the protocols of most any restorative-driven practice, increasing both efficiency and clinical success-both of which are critical components of any profitable practice.
1. Milled quickly and precisely and polished to a high gloss in a very short time, the restoration can be cemented or screw-retained immediately. The material is suitable for a wide range of indications, including minimally invasive inlays, onlays, and cosmetic veneers; full crowns for anterior and posterior teeth; and implant-supported restorations. 2. Shofu Block & Disk HC's unique hybrid ceramic material combination ensures exceptional transmission of natural light, an instant color match, and increased durability. 3. With superior flexural strength and low flexural modulus, the material has an excellent capability to diffuse stress, making it an ideal alternative to lithium disilicate and zirconia.
What is one of the best features of the product? The margins resist chipping, resulting in excellent marginal fit and durability with natural-looking physical properties.
When do you use the Shofu HC Blocks? These blocks are a great material to use for many indirect restorations, particularly conservative inlays and onlays.
Does it benefit overall workflow? Yes. The predictability and durability reduce the most inefficient aspect of any practice—re-treating restoration failure.