Although the goal of saving teeth remains the same, endodontics has evolved over the years, becoming more conservative and biologically friendly. This month, our cover story explores some of the more recent advances in endodontics that have improved outcomes in the areas of disinfection, cements, and imaging. The use of new irrigation techniques, bioceramic materials, and CBCT is not only helping specialists deliver the most optimal endodontic therapy in complex cases but also making basic endodontic treatment more predictable for general practitioners.
Personally, I'm OK with general practitioners performing endodontics if it is done to the standard of care, but I refer all of my cases out to an endodontist. However, as the article notes, CBCT can provide valuable information about the anatomy and any pathoses in 3D, so I employ it in my practice in certain cases to help arrive at more ideal endodontic diagnoses. Because I can see things like severe bone loss much better in a CBCT image than I could on a periapical radiograph, I can better assess a tooth's salvageability, avoiding unnecessary referrals, or worse, referrals for treatments that may have poor long-term prognoses.
In addition, be sure to check out our article on the LEAD mastermind group. This community of women dentists, many of whom I know personally and are outstanding leaders in the profession, came together to create a judgement-free environment in which they could learn from one another's expertise and empower each other to achieve growth. The mastermind group concept can be highly beneficial to the success of its members, and by providing some details about their journey, the women of LEAD hope to inspire others to join or form similar groups so they can achieve the same growth. This is good advice. Following the COVID-19 shutdown, some of my colleagues and I formed the Phoenix mastermind group, which just had its inaugural meeting.
I hope that you enjoy the issue. As always, your insights and feedback are welcome. Feel free to contact me at the email address below-I look forward to hearing from you!
Robert C. Margeas, DDS
Editor-in-Chief, Inside Dentistry
Private Practice, Des Moines, Iowa
Adjunct Professor
Department of Operative Dentistry
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa