A Perfect Match Within 20 Minutes
I graduated from the UCLA School of Dentistry in 1982. In addition to running my own practice in Bakersfield, California, I am very involved in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry where I am an accredited member, fellow, and examiner. Throughout my years in practice, I have always aspired to find and implement products and techniques that can help me to increase efficiency without compromising the outcomes of my restorations. To that end, I am thrilled to share my new "secret weapon," OMNICHROMA® Flow—a universal flowable composite that esthetically matches every tooth color with a single shade and is indicated for a variety of uses. It enables me to complete a Class IV restoration within just 20 minutes.
I had a 56-year-old female patient who presented to the practice complaining of a very sharp chipped upper right central incisor (Figure 1). First, the tooth was beveled with a diamond bur to help blend the restoration and increase the strength of the bond to the enamel. The margins and the restorative surface were then acid etched with 35% phosphoric acid, and the tooth was rinsed with water and air-dried. Next, a bonding agent (Bond Force®, Tokuyama Dental) was applied to the restorative surface, extending slightly beyond the margins, and it was light cured.
In most cases, I get excellent results by applying OMNICHROMA Flow immediately after the bonding agent. However, in this case, the restoration was lacking a lingual shelf. In order to prevent the OMNICHROMA Flow from picking up the darkness of the oral cavity as the tooth shade, I first built a thin lingual shelf with OMNICHROMA BLOCKER Flow. A putty matrix was fabricated to hold the OMNICHROMA BLOCKER in place until it could be light cured. After light curing, OMNICHROMA Flow was injected until it filled the entire restoration and extended slightly beyond the margins. The restoration was then light cured from the facial, lingual, and incisal aspects.
To complete the restoration, the lingual area was adjusted with a football-shaped carbide bur on a high-speed handpiece. There was very little to reduce because the putty matrix had facilitated accurate placement. The incisal and facial areas were contoured with extra-thin contouring and polishing discs. After a coarse disc was used to establish the primary anatomy, a successive series of finer discs was employed to refine it. A high final polish was achieved with medium and fine polishing cups and a polishing brush (Figure 2).
The patient stated that she was very happy to have her tooth looking natural again. "I can't even see where the filling is; it looks like nothing ever happened," she said. "It was very convenient to have all of this done in 20 minutes!"
Key Takeaways
1. OMNICHROMA Flow is a one-shade universal flowable composite that eliminates the step of shade matching and errors in shade selection.
2. With no need to stock different composite shades, practice owners can reduce the operating costs associated with inventory management.
3. OMNICHROMA Flow's unprecedented shade matching ability, easy handling, and high glossiness help to reduce chair time.
4. In cases without a lingual shelf, OMNICHROMA BLOCKER Flow or OMNICHROMA BLOCKER can be used first to prevent the darkness of the oral cavity from affecting the shade of the restoration.
James H. Peyton, DDS
Accredited Fellow
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
Private Practice
Bakersfield, California
Manufacturer Information
Tokuyama Dental America, Inc.