Match Even the Whitest Teeth
At my general dentistry practice in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, we see many patients during the course of a day. I have a team of dentists, and together, we offer a variety of services to our clientele. As clinicians, we all have our own techniques and preferences for how we like to do things as well as different materials that we prefer to use for various clinical situations. A big part of what I offer as a service is composite artistry, so it is important for me to have everything that I need on hand to deliver esthetic outcomes for my patients in a predictable, efficient manner—and that begins with having the right composite.
One of the questions that I am most frequently asked is, "What composite do you use?" However, this is a loaded question because the answer depends on so many factors, and how a material handles is subject to the individual. Although I may prefer a stiffer composite, such as Brasseler's Evanesce™ Nano-Enhanced Universal Restorative, that doesn't mean that a creamier consistency wouldn't be more desirable for a different clinician in a similar restorative situation. It is more about understanding what you are trying to achieve and how best to achieve it with the materials that you prefer to use.
When selecting a composite, color is a critical consideration. One of the most difficult parts of composite artistry is matching the natural tooth color. You can layer everything beautifully, get the shape right, and blend and smooth the margins seamlessly, but if the color is off, you are left with a result that doesn't look like the surrounding dentition. Adding to the challenge of shade matching is the fact that a large part of the population is bleaching their teeth to shades that are off the natural scale.
So how do I deal with this? I have many composite systems in my armamentarium to help me deliver the best outcomes, and one of the circumstances in which I believe this becomes critical is in shade-matching situations for those patients with very white teeth. You need to have white shades that are bright, white shades that are warm, and white shades that are cool. You also need to consider the opacity because this affects your value and chroma. What I love about Evanesce Nano-Enhanced Universal Restorative is that it offers a unique shade system for these clinical situations. It offers varying opacities for all of the bleach colors from universal shades to chromatic enamel shades and achromatic enamel shades because it includes FX shades as well as BL1 and BL3. This is extremely helpful in my smile design cases that involve a combination of porcelain veneers, crowns, and composite veneers because they require finding that perfect blend of color, opacity, and chroma. I encourage clinicians to take the time to explore the composite color needs of their practices to ensure that they have an appropriate selection of shades to offer their patients and to consider Evanesce Nano-Enhanced Universal Restorative to meet those needs.
Key Takeaways
Features excellent putty-like handling and will not slump
Polishes fast to a high shine and blends with the natural dentition
Often only requires a single shade, and for more complex cases, fewer layers are needed
Available in the most popular shades and in three levels of opacity: Enamel (80%), Universal (85%), and Dentin (90%) plus three non-VITA FX Enamel shades
Amanda Seay, DDS
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
Clinical Instructor
Kois Center
Seattle, Washington
Private Practice
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Brasseler USA