Increasing Efficiency for Milled Lithium Disilicate
Mark Kleive, DDS
According to Mark Kleive, DDS, there was one person who was most responsible for his decision to pursue dentistry as a profession. Although many dentists follow a parent's lead or the advice of a college counselor, Kleive cites his childhood orthodontist, Thomas Murphy, DDS, MS, as his inspiration. "He was one of the finest human beings that I have ever met, and he made me think, ‘Wow, I want to grow up to be like him,'" Kleive says. "He seemed to have a constantly positive outlook regarding his profession. He was very interested, interactive, curious, and funny when treating me, my brothers, and my sister. You could sense that he genuinely loved his work and loved getting to know people. Furthermore, he always spoke positively about his team, and you could tell that he was nice to them and genuine around them. It really sparked an interest in me to pursue dentistry as a profession."
As Kleive began pursuing a dental career in earnest, Murphy became a mentor. "He was very encouraging, even when I was in college and dental school," Kleive says. "We maintained our relationship." After dental school, Kleive never forgot about Murphy or his positive outlook that had made the field seem so appealing. It is one of the principles on which he has built his private practice in Black Mountain, North Carolina, over the past 11 years. Most of his patients simply call him by his first name. "Above all else, we are treating human beings, so the example that Murphy set was definitely a significant part of shaping what I wanted to achieve," Kleive says. "I would hope that people say similar things about me like, ‘Wow, he speaks very positively about his profession and who he works with.'"
For Kleive, part of providing an exceptional experience for his patients involves providing efficiency along with quality. "If I am sitting in the chair as a patient, my goal is to receive a quality product and be out of there as fast as possible," he says. One product that Kleive has used to help make the patient experience as efficient as possible is GC America Inc.'s GC Initial® LiSi Block—a fully crystallized lithium disilicate block that delivers optimal physical and esthetic properties without firing. This unique block features GC's proprietary High Density Micronization (HDM) technology for CAD/CAM dentistry, which delivers high wear resistance, smooth margins, and esthetic final results. For single-visit chairside treatment, the GC Initial® LiSi Block provides an ideal time-saving solution. Its unique ultrafine crystal structure makes it easy to grind, and it can be quickly milled in its fully crystallized stage. In addition, a high gloss and natural opalescence can be obtained in a few minutes by polishing only, then the restoration is ready to be luted. "The biggest advantage of a block that does not require firing is that it saves time," Kleive says. "In most cases, we need to mill blocks in a pre-fired state. Firing can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 25 minutes, depending upon the cycle. The firing process also introduces another opportunity for errors to occur, such as changes in the dimensions of the restoration; therefore, milling blocks in the fully crystallized stage produces better quality restorations. The marginal integrity and fit are exceptional."
In many cases, the restorations milled from GC Initial LiSi Blocks end up being stronger than those milled from other blocks. "It has the potential to be even more predictable and more durable than other materials because it comes fully crystallized," Kleive says. The esthetics are top-notch as well.
GC Initial LiSi Blocks are available in four esthetic shades and two translucencies. When characterization is required, the GC Initial® complete ceramic system offers fully synergistic esthetic solutions. "You can take 10 minutes to stain and glaze a restoration if you want," Kleive says. "With other materials, the firing cycle required afterward would be the second one. GC Initial LiSi Blocks allow you to skip the first firing step and end up in the same place."
When it is time for cementation, Kleive uses GC America Inc.'s G-CEM ONE™, a self-adhesive resin cement that features high bond strength, effortless cleanup, and long-lasting esthetics as well as an excellent self-curing ability that enables a wide range of indications. G-CEM ONE is a truly universal, non-technique-sensitive, versatile, and reliable product that has the flexibility to be effective in all cementation procedures for any type of restoration, from metal-based ones to resin and all-ceramic inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, and posts. It demonstrates excellent bond strength to enamel, dentin, and all indirect restorative materials. "One of the fun things in this industry has been seeing the adhesive resin systems become more user-friendly, less technique-sensitive, and easier to clean up," Kleive says. "G-CEM ONE is simpler and easier to use, and it can be used for a broader range of indications. It is truly universal. In my world, those are wonderful attributes."
Indeed, that efficiency allows Kleive to make his patients' experiences as quick and easy as possible. "The reality is that their appointments become even more convenient," he says. "These are just more tools to make their experience in our office even better." The efficiency achieved also allows Kleive to focus more of his energy on interacting with each patient on a personal level, much like his mentor did with him as a child. "In dentistry, we need to be asking ourselves this question: what are the things that create value and efficiency for us and our patients?" he says. "These products do that, and GC continues to be on the forefront of driving innovation in our profession."
Key Points
• GC Initial LiSi Block is a fully crystallized lithium disilicate block that does not require firing.
• GC's proprietary High Density Micronization (HDM) technology delivers high wear resistance, smooth margins, and esthetic final results.
• GC Initial LiSi Block is available in four esthetic shades and two translucencies.
• G-CEM ONE features high bond strength, effortless cleanup, and long-lasting esthetics.
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