A Complete Solution to Increase the Accessibility of Implants
Staying in business for 125 years requires a company to consistently provide valuable solutions to its customers. As Sterngold Dental celebrates its 125th anniversary, the company is offering one of its strongest-ever value propositions: Sterngold Total Smile™. "It is really the culmination of all of the product and service solutions that we have developed over the years," says Gordon Craig, MBA, the company's president and CEO. "The idea is to balance treatment acceptance and affordability against profitability and delivering expectations, whether it is laboratories for their dentists or dentists for their patients."
Sterngold Total Smile brings together the company's multiple implant offerings, which include TRU®, PUR®, and MOR®, and its immense range of digital denture products and attachment options, such as ERA®, ORA, SNAP®, LOCATOR®, and RC Housings. The solution includes eight treatment modalities: implant-retained digital overdentures, mini-implant-retained digital overdentures, implant-retained crowns, implant-retained conventional overdentures, fixed hybrid prostheses, digital/conventional dentures on natural tooth roots, digital/conventional dentures on a bar, and a custom modality that allows clinicians to mix and match different implant, attachment, and restorative protocols to best fit a patient's specific needs. "Sterngold Total Smile creates a value proposition that extends from the manufacturing end all the way through the treatment to the final prosthesis that the patient receives," Craig says. "We are creating an environment where there is service and support throughout the entire chain of protocols and treatment modalities via an integrated, complete solution."
The affordability and simplicity of the solution make dental implants a more viable option for a wider range of both patients and dentists. According to Craig, Sterngold is expanding the metaphorical pie, especially for general practitioners. "More dentists adding implant therapy to their practices makes it more accessible to people in the general population, many of whom cannot afford treatment from a specialist," he says. "Subsequently, as general practitioners and their staff inform more patients about implant therapy, more patients accept treatment plans, and more referrals go out to specialists."
This value proposition to increase the accessibility of implant therapy is in response to significant demand that Sterngold has observed in the market. One of the reasons why the company still thrives after 125 years is because it is responsive to its customers' needs. "Our product development directly correlates with what our customers are experiencing," Craig says. "When you listen to customers in an active way and couple that with a culture that is entrepreneurial and nimble, then you can bring out the best of both in a relatively swift fashion." With Sterngold Total Smile, the company has created what Craig calls a four-way win for dentists, laboratories, patients, and itself. "At the end of the day, we want to put affordable treatment options into the hands of clinicians and laboratory technicians that they can deliver to patients, and we want to create greater scalability within those practices and laboratories to develop more prosthetic business for all," he says. "This is part of why we are able to celebrate 125 years of business—leveraging the know-how and innovation that we have developed to continue to deliver on those value propositions."
For more information, contact:
Sterngold Dental
sterngold.com • 800-243-9942