Simplified Photography to Increase Case Acceptance, Boost Confidence
As dental healthcare practitioners, we are constantly communicating with and educating our patients in order to create value in the services that we provide. This is a must if we want to achieve case acceptance. To engage in this process, we have many tools at our disposal, but perhaps the most valuable of these is an image. A series of images can be even more powerful. Images are great because they enable patients to visualize both health and disease. If nothing else, they provide talking points for us to relay more intimate information regarding what we see during our discussions with patients.
The power of visual aids has been studied extensively over the years. It has been shown repeatedly that the use of images is more effective at conveying information than verbal communication. In other words, if patients can visualize their conditions, they are much more likely to make informed treatment decisions. Photography provides numerous benefits that can add value to your practice, including better communication with patients, better communication with the laboratory, better communication with insurance companies, and liability reduction, among others. If you are not using photography to communicate and educate, you are negatively impacting the validity of your case presentations. Although there are many benefits to dental photography, there can be obstacles to its implementation, such as the cost, the required knowledge of cameras, the skill needed to produce consistent image quality, etc.
The simplest way to begin acquiring images is with an intraoral camera, which is a must-have for a dental practice. With overcoming the barriers to dental photography in mind, Shofu Dental Corporation has released a new intraoral camera that can benefit all dental practices—the EyeCam. This intraoral camera is economically priced but produces high-quality images. Its technology features a fixed-focus lens and bright LED illumination that create superb clarity. EyeCam is simple to install, user-friendly, and able to produce images of consistent quality with ease. The affordability is unsurpassed, and unlike many other cameras on the market, it comes with a 2-year protection plan.
I strongly encourage all dental practitioners to use images in their discussions and treatment presentations with patients, and the EyeCam can help facilitate that. At the current price point of $279.95, it is entirely feasible for an office to purchase multiple EyeCam intraoral cameras to be used in different operatories throughout the day. The simplicity enables all members of the clinical team to acquire high-quality images with limited instruction. Once you start acquiring these images of your patients, you will see an increase in case acceptance and gain even greater confidence in your case presentations. The EyeCam is a piece of technology that will pay for itself.
Chad C. Duplantis, DDS
Academy of General Dentistry
Private Practice
Fort Worth, Texas
1. Patients who can visualize their conditions are more likely to make informed treatment decisions.
2. Photography provides better communication with patients, laboratories, and insurance companies as well as reduces liability.
3. The EyeCam intraoral camera is economically priced and comes with a 2-year protection plan.
4. Simple to install, user-friendly, and able to produce images of consistent quality with ease.
Manufacturer Information Shofu Dental Corporation • • 800-827-4638