Cement Selection Criteria for Optimal Case Outcomes
One of the most important factors in achieving long-term clinical success with indirect restorations is choosing the right cement. Depending on the type of restorations being placed, the techniques used to place them, and other factors, different procedures often call for different cements. The PANAVIA™ family of resin cements from Kuraray includes three options that can handle every indication, reducing the number of cements used in dental offices.
When placing veneers, color stability is a key factor, which is why I reach for PANAVIA™ Veneer LC, a light-cure resin cement with excellent color stability that demonstrates high wear resistance and provides plenty of working time. I appreciate the smooth, predictable way that this cement handles. When positioning a veneer on a tooth, it does not drift or sag, and the excess cement is easy to remove—flaking off cleanly with an explorer. Despite its name, I also use PANAVIA Veneer LC to place conservative onlays and inlays that are less than 2 mm in thickness. For these procedures, the addition of CLEARFIL CERAMIC PRIMER PLUS helps to achieve ultimate bond strength.
My "everyday" cement of choice for placing zirconia crowns in the posterior region is PANAVIA™ SA Cement Universal. It is a unique self-adhesive cement that contains both the MDP monomer and a patented LCSi (long carbon chain silane) monomer, which create strong chemical bonds without the need for a separate primer. A true universal cement, I find it ideal for bonding to a variety of natural substrates and restorative materials, including enamel, dentin, zirconia, base metals, and composite resin.
For glass ceramics/lithium disilicates, I primarily use PANAVIA™ V5. It has a wide range of indications, including crowns, single-wing cantilever bridges, and implant abutments. It's color stable and incredibly strong, handles smoothly, and also releases fluoride, which is a very important feature regarding the prevention of secondary decay. For posterior restorations, PANAVIA V5 and PANAVIA SA Cement Universal are often interchangeable. When I'm using PANAVIA SA Cement Universal with less retentive preparations, such as short clinical crowns, I use it in conjunction with CLEARFIL Universal Bond Quick to achieve the highest possible bond strengths. The strength of these bonds is equivalent to those that can be achieved with PANAVIA V5.
When placing zirconia restorations, it is very important to use a self-cure cement because curing lights cannot penetrate the material in the same manner as glass-ceramics. For these cases, I use either PANAVIA SA Cement Universal in conjunction with CLEARFIL Universal Bond Quick or PANAVIA V5 because these two approaches offer the option to self cure or light cure and, due to the catalyst, the strength is the same either way, which is something that no other product line can duplicate.
In conclusion, I have grown to appreciate the consistency and reliability of this trio of cements. After using them for many years to place hundreds of restorations, it is my belief that they are the best cements on the market.
Key Takeaways
1. PANAVIA Veneer LC is a light-cured resin cement with excellent color stability that demonstrates high wear resistance and provides plenty of working time for veneers.
2. PANAVIA SA Cement Universal is a unique self-adhesive cement that contains both the MDP monomer and a patented LCSi monomer, which create strong chemical bonds without the need for a separate primer.
3. PANAVIA V5, which is ideal for cases requiring the strongest bond strength, has a wide range of indications, is color stable and incredibly strong, handles smoothly, and also releases fluoride.
4. When using PANAVIA SA Cement Universal with less retentive preparations, using it in conjunction with CLEARFIL Universal Bond Quick can help to achieve the highest possible bond strengths.
Greg Campbell, DDS
Private Practice
Long Beach, California
Manufacturer Information
Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc.