Martin R. Mendelson, DDS, FIADFE, CPC
OK, dental office managers. Let's talk about something we face daily yet rarely address head-on: communication. Much like a well-executed dental procedure, effective communication requires skill, precision, and, dare I say, a touch of artistry. But fear not. By the end of this article, you'll be armed with insights and strategies to turn potential communication pitfalls into bridges of understanding and teamwork.
Imagine your dental practice as a bustling beehive, where every member, from the front desk to the operatory, plays a crucial role in creating sweet success. But what happens when our buzzing isn't in harmony? Differing interpretations and miscommunications can lead to conflicts, impacting our team's efficiency and the patient experience. Here's where the transformative power of a communication alliance comes into play.
Communication starts with the thoughts that occur between our ears before anything comes out between our lips. Often, these thoughts may not be based on the reality of the facts but on the reality as we interpret the facts.
Viktor Frankl, an author, neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor, said: "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom to choose our response, and in our response lies our growth and freedom."
In other words, we are responsible for understanding that we have a choice of how to react to our environment, which leads to The T.E.A.M.™ framework.
The T.E.A.M.™ Framework: A Roadmap to Success
My T.E.A.M. framework is a cornerstone of effective communication and teamwork. T.E.A.M. stands for thoughts, emotions, actions, and manifestations. Our thoughts shape our emotions, which drive our actions and ultimately manifest in our results. Understanding and applying this framework allows you to cultivate a mindset that fosters positive interactions and outcomes.
Recognizing that when faced with a stressful situation, a negative thought like "they did this on purpose" can lead to stressful emotions, resulting in actions that are not in anyone's best interest and, ultimately, a poor resolution.
Alternatively, when faced with a stressful situation, a positive thought like "We can handle this together" can lead to a calm emotion, resulting in cooperative actions and a successful resolution. It's a simple yet powerful shift in perspective that can transform your practice.
It's easier said than done without an alliance in place. But what is a communication alliance? And how can it serve the needs of the practice and patients?
The Essence of a Communication Alliance
Think of a communication alliance as a strategic partnership within your team, built on mutual understanding and clear expectations. It's a simple yet profound concept that can elevate your practice from good to exceptional. My mentors, Jenn Barley and Karen Sullivan, introduced me to a similar concept, T-FAR™, which is transforming teams all over the world. The alliance is structured around facilitating three pivotal questions. The examples of each are taken from alliances in practice today:
1. What kind of practice (or atmosphere) do I want to work in daily?
Examples: One that's fun, one that sets the standard, one that focuses on patient care.
2. How do we want each other to show up when there are challenges?
Examples: Focus on the positive, listen to the other party, assume good intent.
3. How will we keep each other accountable?
Examples:With patience, by counting to ten, by proceeding with care.
By collaboratively answering these questions, your team can create a living document that serves as a compass, guiding your interactions and decisions. This discussion exercise typically takes 60 to 90 minutes of facilitation to get to the heart of the matter. The alliance is a cornerstone document with words representing the ideas that underpin the team's feelings about what atmosphere, challenge navigation, and accountability mean to them.
The Practice Atmosphere
Let's start with the first question: "What kind of practice do I want to work in daily?" Picture this: a workplace where every team member feels valued, understood, and motivated. This isn't just a utopian dream-it's an achievable reality. One of my clients put it beautifully: "It is felt in the improved everyday experience of myself and those I lead who have achieved greater results, efficiency, and fulfillment than any of us imagined when we began this journey."
Creating this kind of atmosphere begins with open and honest conversations about what each team member values and expects. It's about developing a culture where everyone's voice is heard and respected.
Navigating Challenges Together
Next up is, "How do we want each other to show up when there are challenges?" Let's face it-challenges are inevitable. Whether it's a difficult patient, a miscommunication, or a procedural hiccup, how we respond can make all the difference. The goal is establishing a unified front where support and constructive feedback are the norms.
One of my favorite aspects of working with dental teams is facilitating these critical conversations because if we cannot have them when we are calm, how do we expect to have them when under pressure? For example, one client shared that once they deployed their alliance for several months, "Our challenges are still there, but now we know how to handle them differently."
In practice, this means setting clear guidelines for addressing issues. It's about agreeing on a process for handling conflicts and ensuring that everyone feels safe expressing concerns and proposing solutions.
Accountability: The Glue of the Alliance
Finally, "How will we keep each other accountable?" Accountability isn't about finger-pointing or blame games. It's about mutual responsibility and commitment to the shared vision of the practice. This can be achieved through regular check-ins, feedback sessions, and even a bit of humor to keep things light-hearted.
A communication alliance thrives on accountability. Setting clear expectations and regularly revisiting them ensures that everyone remains aligned and motivated. One of my clients shared a humorous incident after their alliance was in place. A team member encountered two colleagues engaged in a heated discussion. This third-party team member used their safe word (established as a fail-safe to remind everyone of the alliance), and it stopped the heated conversation in its tracks. The team then resolved the conflict by recalling the alliance they had co-created.
Embrace the Future with Confidence
As we wrap up, remember that a communication alliance is not a one-time fix but an ongoing journey. It requires commitment, openness, and a willingness to grow together. But the rewards-improved team dynamics, better patient care, and a more fulfilling work environment-are worth the effort.
Office managers, I invite you to think differently about communication. Embrace the concept of a communication alliance and consider guiding your team toward unparalleled growth and harmony. You can create a practice where every team member thrives and every patient leaves with a smile.
Here's to a future where communication is our greatest strength and a source of joy.
Martin R. Mendelson, DDS, FIADFE, CPC, holds Executive Coaching, Team Coaching/Facilitation, Emotional Intelligence, and Happiness Studies certifications. He is a recognized thought leader and sought-after speaker worldwide whose insights on fostering positivity and achievement within professional and corporate settings are featured across various media platforms.