Dr. Harold Jaffe from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is returning! The most popular speaker from the 2013 symposium is coming back and will spearhead a panel presentation addressing “Infection Control in Dentistry – Then, Now and What Next”. He will share a clip from the 60 Minutes interview about the Florida dentist and discuss risk communication. Dr Mary Chamberland, also from CDC, will speak about early efforts to assess the risk of HIV transmission in healthcare settings before and immediately after the Florida investigation. Dr. John Molinari will describe the founding of OSAP at this pivotal time 30 years ago and what has transpired since and Dr. Don Marianos will focus on the future with lessons learned.
In other news, attendees will have the opportunity to tour the 3M Innovation Center. The Center features dynamic displays and interactive, hands-on demonstrations designed to stimulate creative solutions to challenging issues. The tour will be on Thursday, June 5 from 9 am – 12 pm and is limited to 50 people. Click here for more information.