vhf is particularly committed to the Black Forest near the German headquarters. The current motto of the CNC milling machine and tool manufacturer is "High Tech Meets Black Forest." With its annual Christmas donation, vhf is supporting the mountain forest initiative Bergwald Projekt in the Black Forest this year.
vhf’s support benefits the Black Forest locally and the climate globally. Ria Brandenberger, vhf board member, sums up the motivation for the donation as follows: “It is important to us that we as a company are committed to regional climate protection.” Healthy forests make a significant contribution to an optimal climate—especially in Germany, where forests account for around one third of the country’s total area. In addition to drinking water, flood, and soil erosion protection, vital near-natural forests make an important contribution to binding CO2 and therefore protecting the climate. One of the most important goals of the vhf-funded project in Forbach in the northern Black Forest is the planting of new trees. For more than 20 years, the mountain forest project has been working together with the community in the northern Black Forest (forest share over 90%).
In addition to forest management, the initiative is also engaged in landscape management and tries to prevent damage caused by wild animals. The organization is committed to the protection and maintenance of the forest and to promoting an understanding of the interrelationships in nature.
As a responsible global player, vhf has long been committed to active climate protection. All of the company’s buildings exclusively use green electricity from self-produced solar energy and hydroelectric power from the region.
vhf Supports Regional Climate Protection in the Black Forest
December 13, 2019