Featuring more than 70 conference sessions presented by a global faculty of dental experts, the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) 2012 Annual Meeting, titled Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Learning, will offer up to 80 CE credit hours.The 60th annual conference will be held June 21-24 in Philadelphia.
Some of the key courses to be presented include the following:
P02: IV Sedation Refresher Course with BLS/ACLS Training Michael E. Mermigas, DDS, FAGD. This two-day course provides a total of 15 hours of education on administering intravenous (IV) moderate sedation in dental practices and also includes a hands-on portion with high fidelity simulators. Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) and basic life support (BLS) certification for anesthesia providers also will be included.
P14: You Cannot Treat What You Don’t Diagnose: State-of-the-Art Caries Diagnosis and Restorative Techniques Martin J. Jablow, DMD, FAGD. Special event pricing for AGD members—participate in this course for only $380! This education course will teach participants about different enhanced caries detection devices and the new techniques available to prepare and restore teeth. On participant-supplied extracted teeth, each dentist will assess for caries using enhanced devices and then learn how erbium lasers, as well as electric and sonic handpieces, can assist in minimally invasive preparations.
P11: Essentials of Dental Sleep Medicine Kelly Carden, MD, MBA, FAASM; Stephen W. Carstensen, DDS, FAGD; B. Gail Demko, DMD; Sheri Katz, DDS; R. Bruce Templeton, DMD. This introductory course for dentists and dental professionals teaches the basics of sleep disordered breathing, its symptoms, medical consequences, and treatment options. The course will outline clinical steps, with an emphasis (hands-on experience) on proper oral appliance selection, bite registration, and techniques practiced to avoid associated side effects.
P27: A Clear Approach to Removable Aligner Therapy Neil M. Warshawsky, DDS. This is a fast-paced, informative course in which participants learn to diagnose minor tooth movement. Course attendees will be given practice exercises so that they may make clear aligners to correct simple malocclusions. In addition, participants are encouraged to bring potential cases with them to design and build under the leadership of Dr. Warshawsky.
P12: BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers for Every Dental Practice: A Two-Day Course Louis J. Malcmacher, DDS, MAGD. This seminar and hands-on practice session will teach participants about the background, development, types, and uses of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers, and will help them learn how to easily integrate these therapies into their dental practices. The attendees will learn the clinical basics of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers, as well as how to use them effectively as a complement to esthetic dentistry. This course is specifically designed for dental professionals. Course attendees will purchase BOTOX® and dermal fillers at the course. The costs of BOTOX and dermal fillers are not included in the price of this course.
P13: Restoratively Driven Implant Dentistry Is at Your Fingertips: Press the Button, Turn on the Computer, and Join the Matrix! Robert M. Bagoff, DDS, FAGD. This course will give participants a basic foundation in the use of CT/cone beam CT (CBCT) scans and software diagnostic modalities to guide a restoratively driven end product. The hands-on portion of the program will help participants embrace the template-guided surgery. This course will enable dentists to see how the idealized occlusal scheme can be supported by dental implants. Participants will receive hands-on experience using model surgery and stereolithographic template, and cases that were done in this fashion will be reviewed and discussed.
P07: State-of-the-Art, Advanced Bone Grafting for the Progressive General Dentist Practice Russell A. Baer, DDS. This course is intended for surgically oriented implant dentists looking for an advanced experience or refresher program in advanced bone grafting. This course will emphasize what happens to bone when teeth are gone; how to preserve bone through extraction techniques; how to prevent bone loss after extraction; how to rebuild bone after loss; and potential bone grafting options. The procedures discussed include open and closed sinus lifts, block bone grafts, ridge expansion, implant grafting, and more.
For a full list of meeting activities and other important information, check out the interactive pre-meeting program, visit www.agd.org/philadelphia, call 888.AGD.DENT (888.243.3368), or follow the AGD on Twitter. Log in at www.agd.org to add these courses to your schedule.