The first ITI Congress Switzerland featured a range of highly topical lectures, prominent speakers, and lively discussions. Held May 5 in Biel, Switzerland, the conference was attended by more than 500 professionals and specialists in implant dentistry. The congress dealt with the life-cycle of an implant and covered aspects from treatment planning to possible complications.
Speakers from universities, specialists from private practice, and dental technicians took part in the program. Representatives from the Universities of Basel, Bern, Geneva, and Zurich involved in peri-implantitis treatment elaborated their positions and contributed to an informative roundtable discussion.
An industry exhibition rounded off the congress and provided participants with valuable information on current products and trends.
“This was the first time that an ITI national congress was held in Switzerland and we were very happy with the way it went,” said Prof. Dr. Nicola Zitzmann, ITI Education Delegate Switzerland. “It provided an excellent opportunity for Swiss ITI Members and Fellows as well as other dental professionals to get up to date on the latest developments in implant dentistry.”
Founded in 1980, the ITI, whose mission is to promote and disseminate knowledge on all aspects of implant dentistry and related tissue regeneration, consists of more than 11,000 Fellows and Members. Its next Congress meeting will be June 2-3, 2012, in Tokyo, Japan.