The National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA) has issued a new whitepaper titled, "Guide to the Future: A Strategic Roadmap to Achieving Meaningful Use Objectives and Selecting an Integrated Electronic Dental Record (EDR)-Electronic Health Record (EHR) System to Improve Oral Health Access and Outcomes." The whitepaper was developed to present a strategic roadmap for achieving Meaningful Use for oral health and to provide critical steps that need to be taken to implement an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system that fully integrates Electronic Dental Records (EDR). This whitepaper will help oral health providers, staff, and patients understand the benefits of Meaningful Use incentives and serve as a guide to selecting an Electronic Dental and Health Record system.
NNOHA's Health Information Workgroup was established to help guide safety-net oral health programs through HIT decisions and challenges as they emerge. EDR issues have remained a priority for the Workgroup, which is continuing to assess the EHR needs of Health Center oral health programs and make recommendations to guide Health Centers in selecting technology solutions that are compatible with the systems used by both medical and dental staff. This page features HIT resources NNOHA has developed to assist safety-net oral health programs in implementing HIT projects and staying up-to-date on the changing environment.
To download the whitepaper, click here.