PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 31, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The New York Stem Cell Summit has announced that, in conjunction with several Houston-based medical institutions, it is launching the first Houston Stem Cell Summit to be held on Friday and Saturday, October 26 and October 27, 2012.
“Since the mid-1990s,” said organizer Robin Young, “the group of researchers, medical schools and hospitals at the Texas Medical Center has led the world in clinical research for the therapeutic use of stem and progenitor cells for heart disease, orthopedics, dental surgery, and ophthalmic, as well as fostering new business models for commercialization of these cellular technologies."
The Houston Stem Cell Summit will bring together, for the first time, the many and varied stem cell research and commercialization activities in Texas with the leading global researchers and entrepreneurs. Participating Texas institutions include: Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Heart Institute, Texas A&M, Rice University and MD Anderson.
The summit will be held at The Houstonian Hotel in Houston, Texas. In addition to highlighting the latest therapeutic research regarding the use of adult stem and progenitor cell therapies, the summit will also provide a forum for entrepreneurs to discuss their latest efforts to commercialize stem cell therapies, and to debate and discuss FDA and other legal and regulatory issues impacting stem cell research and commercialization.
In total, the organizers expect to have more than 35 speakers, 300 attendees and a dozen of the leading commercial stem cell companies presenting over the two-day summit. The keynote speaker is Governor Rick Perry, who himself has been treated with stem cell therapies. In addition to Governor Perry, the Summit will feature a patient panel, two in-depth debates regarding FDA and Texas Medical Board policies and a review and forecast of the current state of stem cell commercialization efforts.
The Houston Stem Cell Summit is designed for physicians; biotech researchers; pharmaceutical and biotech analysts; hospital, business development and senior biotechnology marketing executives, as well as venture capital investors and all members of the Texas Medical Center community.
Online registration opened this week at and will remain open until October 25. For attendees who go online and register before September 15, 2012, the cost is discounted by 35%. For members of the Texas Medical Center in Houston, the cost is discounted by more than 50%.