CHICAGO, Oct. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Dental Assisting National Board, Inc. (DANB) 2012 Salary Survey reveals that dental assistants who have earned DANB certification receive a higher salary than non-certified dental assistants and demonstrate high employer loyalty. The findings are consistent with DANB's previous salary surveys, which have been conducted since 2001.
DANB, which is recognized by the American Dental Association as the national certification board for dental assistants, offers not only the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) national certification exam but also the Certified Orthodontic Assistant (COA) and Certified Preventive Functions Dental Assistant (CPFDA) exams. DANB surveyed thousands of dental assistants from around the country who hold DANB's CDA certification about salary levels, types of work benefits, job satisfaction and other issues.
DANB's 2012 Salary Survey shows that full-time dental assistants who hold the CDA certification earn a median salary of $18.60 an hour, $1.54 more than full-time dental assistants who do not. The survey also shows that the average CDA salary has climbed slightly since the 2010 salary survey, particularly notable during a time of economic difficulty and high unemployment rates.
Employer loyalty
CDA certificants also show high employer loyalty, averaging eight years in their current position. Many see the survey as a valuable resource for employers seeking new employees. "I recently changed jobs," mentioned one respondent, "and several of the dentists I interviewed with utilized DANB's salary survey for establishing salary." Echoed another CDA: "I think this survey is a wonderful tool for prospective employees as well as for potential employers."
Other benefits
CDAs also credited DANB certification for a number of benefits outside higher pay. Among them were pride (82%), self-improvement (72%), employer recognition (60%), elevation of the profession (51%), patient respect for credentials (45%), career mobility (45%), recognition by the dental community (45%) and the potential to perform additional dental assisting duties (45%). "Since obtaining my credentials through DANB," said one respondent, "I have more confidence and I am more appreciated in my job." Said another, "Being DANB certified reminds me that compared to other co-workers, I have gone the extra mile in my education and it shows in the work environment."
To see the median salary by state and other results of the DANB 2012 Salary Survey, please go to