The online professional network LinkedIn offers a wealth of business networking groups for dental professionals to gather and exchange information and ideas. Listed below is a small sample of these groups for clinicians and other members of the dental team who may be looking to join an online community.
Dental CXO
The Dental CXO group provides venue for C Level Executives to exchange their ideas and seek solutions for their business challenges in an atmosphere that fosters entrepreneurial thinking and encourages teamwork to accomplish goals in the dental industry.
Dental CXO Group welcomes:
Founder, President, Chairman, CEO, COO, CFO, CSO, CIO, CTO, CMO, SVP, VP, Senior Level Directors/Managers, Senior Consultants, Consultants/Reps, Dentists, Dental Experts and Other.
WebDMD is a well-established group that functions as a scientific platform for the dental profession. WebDMD’s main focus is to cultivate tangible assets within the General Dental Community to educate dental professionals to better the quality of their practices.
The WebDDS group serves as a gathering place for dental professionals in the fields of Perio, Implantology, Maxillo-Facial Surgery, and Cranio-Facial Surgery.
Certified Dental Technician Group
The purpose of the Certified Dental Technician Group is to build relationships between clinicians and members of the dental laboratory team.
Cloud Computing Dental Technology
The Cloud Computing Dental Technology group allows members to discuss the day-to-day aspects of technical integrations. Many members of this group are experts in cloud computing, with a knowledge of dental software and other technological integrations for dental practices.
DMDReferrals focuses on referring colleagues in the dental community and the overall healthcare industry. This group’s primary objective is to help dental professionals build a strong professional network.
Affiliated with major dental companies, Creative-Technical-Dental Consultants is a group that encourages the growth of dental practices.
Total Body Health Profs™
Total Body Health Profs™ is a group where oral and medical healthcare professionals can meet to have discussions and share their valuable knowledge.All healthcare professionals and industry leaders are welcome to join.