A dental expert has called for sugary drinks to come with warning labels after a study confirmed that drinking sugary drinks increases the risk of decay by up to 46%, according to cosmeticdentistryguide.co.uk.
Dr. Jason Armfield, from the University of Adelaide and the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health, revealed that a study involving more than 16,800 Australian children found that children who drink more than three sugary drinks per day are 46% more likely to suffer from decay. The survey also found that 56% of children aged between 5 and 16 years old drank at least one sugary drink per day.
Dr. Armfield said that the study supported previous studies and highlighted the impact of sugary drinks, which are becoming increasingly popular among children. Dr. Armfield explained that excessive consumption of sugary drinks can lead to many problems, including childhood obesity, diabetes, and oral health problems and called for warnings to be included in the packaging. Dr. Armfield said that decay should be the focus of the warning campaign.
Dr. Armfield also suggested that more children should have access to fluoridated water.
Source: www.cosmeticdentistryguide.co.uk