According to ADA News, the ADA Library Task Force wants members to know that in keeping with Resolution 159H-2012, the group is investigating the options that will ensure that the ADA Library provides members value now and well into the future.
"Of crucial importance," emphasized Dr. Joseph Hagenbruch, ADA 8th District Trustee and chair of the ADA Library Task Force, "the group feels that it is absolutely imperative to first clarify that the ADA Library is not closing. The 2012 ADA House of Delegates has asked that the appropriate ADA agency develop a transition plan for presentation to the 2013 ADA House of Delegates regarding budget-conscious, sensible, responsible and sustainable options that would not only preserve ADA periodicals, collections, other materials and services, but also embrace new technology, such as digital collections and electronic capabilities.”
To read the full article, click here.