(PR Web)-The new TaskMate Go from HealthPostures is now providing low back pain relief in the office for those who have been suffering the effects of prolonged hours sitting at a desk.
Low back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work. Slouching exaggerates the back's natural curves, which can lead to muscle fatigue and injury. Most all computer users will, at some point, experience back pain that interferes with work. Back pain is the second most common neurological ailment in the United States — only headache is more common.
Jen has been an office manager at a dental office for over 18 years and has been experiencing lower back pain from hours of sitting at her desk. She has tried everything from foam wedges to cardboard boxes to create a health sit to stand workplace but only recently found by switching between a sitting and standing position by using the sit to stand TaskMate Go from HealthPostures has offered the best low back pain relief.
Jen states, “I was experiencing low back pain on a daily bases and I was starting to make daily trips to see my chiropractor.” After a month of visiting the chiropractor with little improvements she started to look for different ways to find low back pain relief. “I went out and bought a foam wedge for my chair that was supposed to give my low back more support but that didn't work.” The real solution is to get up and move. People are made to move. Sitting in one position for an 8 hour workday can wreak havoc on your body. Researchers suggest at least half your hours at work should be spent standing up. Using a sit-stand workstation and alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day can bring low back pain relief.
Jen started her research to find a good sit to stand workstation which took some time. “In the mean time I decided to get a cardboard box to put my monitor and keyboard on and put my mouse on the upper part of my desk. This worked for me, but I found myself still looking down a bit and my mouse was so far away that my arm was extended at full length for the entire day. The other drawback was that the cardboard would eventually sag in the middle from the weight of the monitor and then I would have to search for a new box.”
The sit-stand TaskMate Go from HealthPostues was just the answer to what Jen was looking for. It is small in stature as to not take up a lot of desk space and it is very easy to use. “I received my Taskmate Go just a few weeks ago and I can already feel a difference in my body. I am standing nice and tall, I am looking straight ahead and my mouse is perfectly by my side.” The TaskMate Go helps with low back pain relief and is also a popular point of discussion at the front desk. “I have had many of our patients ask about my new work station, where I got it and how it works. I am proud to show them how with just a push of a lever they can easily maneuver the TaskMate Go from standing to sitting position.” Jen is also happy to share with the patients what it is like to have more energy at work. “I tell them how good it is for a person to stand rather than just sit there during very long work days.”
HealthPostures has been providing low back pain relief in the office for over ten years and the new TaskMate Go is newest sit to stand product that is making a big difference for many people just like Jen. “This truly inspired me to have a healthier posture.”
Learn more by visiting https://www.healthpostures.com