As organizations that represent or collaborate with individuals and institutions at the forefront of delivering health care in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are vitally concerned with the shortages of masks, face shields and other personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, swab kits, and testing capacity that are critically needed by frontline caregivers and patients. In the most affected areas, hospitals, other healthcare delivery organizations, physicians, dentists and other caregivers need help now. Many others will need the same help in the coming weeks.
PPE is needed immediately to protect the caregivers who are risking their own health to care for patients in the most need. Shortages of ventilators and intensive care facilities threaten the lives of the sickest patients.
We strongly support emergency efforts at the federal level to dramatically increase the production and distribution of PPE and other necessary medical equipment and supplies. We also support the availability of telehealth services during this time to use less PPE while preventing the spread of infection.
We must all work immediately to remove any impediments anywhere in the supply chain and come together at the federal, state, and local levels to develop an approach for a fair, equitable, and swift distribution across the nation that is based upon evidence of the most need.
The following organizations signed on to this Joint Commission statement:
• American College of Physicians
• American College of Surgeons
• American Dental Association
• American Hospital Association
• American Medical Association
About the ADA
The not-for-profit ADA is the nation's largest dental association, representing 163,000 dentist members. The premier source of oral health information, the ADA has advocated for the public's health and promoted the art and science of dentistry since 1859. The ADA's state-of-the-art research facilities develop and test dental products and materials that have advanced the practice of dentistry and made the patient experience more positive. The ADA Seal of Acceptance long has been a valuable and respected guide to consumer dental care products. The monthly The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) is the ADA's flagship publication and the best-read scientific journal in dentistry. For more information about the ADA, visit For more information on oral health, including prevention, care and treatment of dental disease, visit the ADA's consumer website