Kulzer launches Venus® Diamond/Venus® Pearl ONE single - shade composites for restoring the majority of everyday composite demands. A unique Adaptive Shade Matching Technology that entails optimizing the filler and resin matrix properties, allows restorations to blend seamlessly with-in natural tooth structures. Venus Diamond/Venus Pearl ONE composites also feature the scientifi-cally documented TCD-urethane resin matrix exclusive to Kulzer. This innovative resin matrix has over a decade of proven clinical success in long-lasting composite restorations, ultimate strength, excellent handling and aesthetic properties while producing restoratives that are free of BisGMA and BPA related monomers. Venus Diamond ONE offers a firm, non-stick consistency and Venus Pearl ONE offers a creamy, non-stick consistency. Both materials boast impressive physical proper-ties including low shrinkage and high flexural strength. Venus Diamond/Venus Pearl ONE compo-sites minimize office inventory and save chair time by taking the guesswork out of having to choose the correct shade.
For more information visit www.kulzerus.com or call 1-800-343-5336.
Kulzer’s NEW Venus® Diamond/Pearl ONE single shade composites
October 29, 2020