Moving Forward to a Safer Tomorrow in Dentistryis the theme of the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention’s (OSAP) 30th anniversary educational symposium. Registration is now available for the conference, to be held June 5-8, in Minneapolis, MN.
Key presentations will include:
- Emerging Diseases, Antibiotic Resistance and What the Dental Community Can Do
- Infection Control at the Intersection of Guidelines, Regulations, and Standards
- Should Dentists Provide Immunizations and Other Provocative Questions
- Educators' Preconference Session to Address Unique Compliance Challenges in Educational Institutions
- Supporting Infection Control Compliance Through Research and Change
- See full list of presentations at
This richly constructed conference combines world-class education with valuable networking activities. Attendees will gain new information, resources, and products to help them better address infection prevention and safety challenges.
To register, visit