ARLINGTON, VA / NOVEMBER 12, 2014 - The Dental Trade Alliance (DTA) Foundation awarded $193,924 in grants to provide funding for innovative oral health programs aimed at encouraging changes in consumer behavior, improving access and enhancing the efficiency of the oral health care system. Each of the following nine programs received as much as $25,000 in DTA Foundation grant funding.
Virginia Oral Health Coalition - $21,848
Children's Dental Health Project - $25,000
Bassett Healthcare Network School-Based Health Program - $25,000
Oral Health America - $25,000
University of Maryland - $11,641
Indiana University School of Dentistry - $25,000
The University of New Haven - $10,435
Dr. Angie's Dental Health Exchange - $25,000 For the second year, a grant jointly funded by the DTA Foundation and the Dental Lifeline Network, provides support for a project designed to improve the oral health of medically-at-risk or special needs patients. This year’s recipient is the Virginia Dental Association Foundation.
Virginia Dental Association Foundation - $25,000 The DTA Foundation has awarded more than $1.3 million dollars in grant funding to more than 60 different innovative projects designed to increase access to oral health care since the inception of the grant program in 2002. Past recipients have used DTA Foundation seed money for innovative programs designed to improve the access to and productivity of the oral health care system by identifying, nurturing, and leveraging promising projects. Visit the DTA Foundation website for more information. |
Dental Trade Alliance Foundation Awards Nearly $200,000 in Grants
November 12, 2014