All Retraction and Hemostasis Products
Traxodent® Hemodent® Paste Retraction System is an innovative retraction paste that works synergistically with the astringent properties of aluminum chloride to create retraction.
Premier® Dental
Expasyl®, now in strawberry flavor. You get the same great dental tissue management qualities—excellent hemostasis and atraumatic gingival retraction—with a pleasant new taste. Plus a new high-value intro kit includes the lightweight ergonomic gun, new curved tips, and 60% more material than the original.
Kerr Corporation
Hemostasyl™ is a highly efficient hemostatic agent that stops bleeding with precision and ease.
Ultradent’s ViscoStat® Clear is a 25% aluminum chloride gel in a viscous, aqueous gel for stopping minor bleeding in the esthetic zone.
Ultradent Products, Inc.
Ultradent’s Ultrapak® knitted packing cord provides rapid tissue displacement, detailed margins, and quality impressions.
Parkell, Inc.’s Dryz™ Gingival Hemostatic Retraction Paste is a must-have in the operatory, and is now available in a value pack.
Parkell, Inc.
Premier Dental’s market-leading Rotary tooth Preparation, Tissue Management, and Finishing /Polishing products are packaged together- with a step- by- step technique in a “solution” kit that ensures successful ceramic restorations!
Gingi-Aid® solution contains 25% buffered aluminum chloride for effective bleeding control without epinephrine. Convenient to use and won’t interfere with bonding agents.
Gingi-Pak Z-Twist Weave Braided Cord is a fourth-generation, state-of-the-art retraction material manufactured to give dental professionals the characteristics, performance, consistency and reliability they demand.
Vol 21
No 2
March 2025