Implant Dentistry Today
Inside Dentistry provides the latest in endodontics, implantology, periodontics, and more, with in-depth articles, expert videos, and top industry insights.
The field of implant dentistry has never been more popular, and it has never touched so many dentists' offices, especially those of general practitioners. This has changed the face of implantology. And that change isn't just to the clinical side. No longer are there only a handful of implant manufacturers that work exclusively with surgical and prosthetic specialists. Today, there are thousands of implant companies worldwide. This has had both positive and negative effects on the industry. The cost of dental implants has come down significantly, allowing many more patients to realize the benefits of implant therapy. However, with so many manufacturers and systems on the market, having the necessary parts to treat various cases can be problematic.
Relatedly, concerns exist regarding the overall lack of standardization of components, systems, materials, and most importantly, education. Implants are being placed and restored by a plethora of clinicians with varying degrees of education and training, and because the field is rapidly progressing through the use of new materials and digital dentistry, it continues to be something that many learn about after dental school through various courses that may or may not be evidence based or up to date. Now that implant dentistry has become mainstream, we need to change our approach to its education as a profession. Standardization and accreditation are needed so that we can rest assured that all dentists who are placing and restoring dental implants are doing so in an evidence-based, predictable way.
The progression of innovation in implant dentistry today is amazing, but it should be focused on providing care that is predictable and efficient, while minimizing complications. New developments in implant design, surface technology, digital workflow, prosthetics, and biologics are continuing to occur at a rapid pace, which can make it difficult to keep up with everything that is beneficial. This month, Inside Dentistry's 2021 implant issue explores major topics in implant dentistry, presents cases that highlight new innovations and technologies, discusses implant education, and more. We hope you enjoy it and learn something to inform your practice.
Robert C. Margeas, DDS
Editor-in-Chief, Inside Dentistry
Private Practice, Des Moines, Iowa
Adjunct Professor
Department of Operative Dentistry
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Bobby Birdi, DMD, MSC
Guest Editor, Inside Dentistry
Private Practice
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada