Outstanding Bonding Results for Dentists at All Levels
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I have been using BISCO products since 2011 when I began my postgraduate program at UCLA, and I have been using All-Bond Universal® since its inception in 2013. My particular area of expertise lies in veneers and full-mouth reconstructions, which makes indirect restorations a focal point of my clinical research in dentistry. Throughout the years, I have conducted extensive research with All-Bond Universal both in the laboratory and in clinical settings, and the results were consistently outstanding. Although I have experience with various other bonding systems, All-Bond Universal stands out like no other. My busy dental practice in Mexico relies on it every day.
I should emphasize that I do not run a solo practice. My practice consists of my wife and I as well as five associate dentists who primarily focus on bonding procedures. We perform more than 7,000 restorations annually, and our failure rate, as well as our rate of postoperative sensitivity, is nearly negligible. This is one of the primary reasons why we trust All-Bond Universal in our practice. With five young dentists performing bonding procedures every day, patient satisfaction is paramount. All-Bond Universal is a remarkably reliable bonding agent that consistently delivers exceptional results whether you're a beginner or an expert in the field.
It is a fantastic product for our practice, offering remarkable value at a reasonable price. Moreover, its versatility is a standout feature. It can be used for both direct and indirect restorations and with total-etch, selective-etch, or self-etch bonding strategies—all from a single bottle with no activator required.
My practice operates seamlessly with well-defined systems and protocols. When performing adhesive dentistry, one aspect of my bonding protocols is that I do not mix brands. However, if you prefer to mix, and for example, want to use an etchant or a cement from a different manufacturer, you can do so confidently with All-Bond Universal. Thanks to its pH, it is an open system that is compatible with all products.
All-Bond Universal plays an indispensable role in our daily operations. I wholeheartedly recommend this product because it works. After nearly a decade of use, we've been able to track and observe its performance in the mouths of our patients, which is the best form of research.
Johan Figueira, DDS
Private Practice
Querétaro, Mexico
Key Takeaways
1. All-Bond Universal is a truly universal single-bottle system that offers exceptional versatility.
2. Facilitates the performance of self-etch, total-etch, and selective-etch bonding techniques.
3. Compatible with all light-cure, self-cure, and dual-cure materials and resin cements without the need for a separate activator.
4. Low film thickness (< 10 µm) ensures proper fit of indirect restorations.
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