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- More than half of whitening patients experience some sensitivity, which often results in discontinuation of whitening treatments.
- Even entry-level whitening provides unique business opportunities for practices and opens doors for more advanced options.
- The average dental office performs 109 whitening procedures annually.
Although over-the-counter whitening products are convenient, patients worry if these products are effective and safe. The opportunities for the dental practice to step in and expand whitening services through patient education and professional recommendations are considerable—and growing.
Despite the prevalence of sensitivity caused by whitening products, patients often avoid raising the subject with their dentist. Therefore, a proactive approach by the dental team is necessary to educate the patient and recommend products for prevention or treatment.
Whether the patient chooses in-house or home-based whitening, dental practitioners can offer advice on realistic expectations, compliance, and reducing sensitivity, which creates a positive experience for the patient, who is then more likely to seek additional esthetic treatments.
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