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- Unnoticed and untreated orthodontic patients are a missed opportunity for your practice and patient care.
- Whether you treat or refer out orthodontic patients, with more knowledge, you and your patients will enjoy having more control over their smiles.
- Understanding orthodontic diagnosis will help you to optimize the most ideal (and profitable) time to start treatment.
A lack of orthodontic knowledge has lead to thousands of existing patients who are overlooked for orthodontic care each month, and therefore don’t receive their optimal dental treatment. The general dentist can develop a basic understanding of orthodontics in order to better address their patient’s oral heath concerns and suggest the most suitable treatment options.
Understanding your patient’s orthodontic diagnosis will allow you to advise the best possible course of treatment. If your patients also need implants, dentures, crowns, or bridges, you will be able to advise the order and manage their treatment for long term success.
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