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- Even if you believe you are compliant, review your systems specifically in the context of HIPAA regulations.
- "Secure" does not always mean "HIPAA-compliant."
- The penalties for violations are staggering; one incident could put a practice in financial jeopardy.
In today’s ever-evolving digital age, including many new communication options, are you as a provider doing everything possible to comply with HIPAA? The federal government continues to tighten its enforcement of HIPAA laws, leaving practices like yours at major risk if you and your staff aren’t in compliance. The penalties for violations are staggering.
Protecting your patients’ confidential health information is of the utmost importance when it comes to sustaining a successful practice. You are ultimately responsible for evaluating your current communication methods, not only among your staff members, but also between your practice and its patients and other providers.
Managing your HIPAA compliance protects your patients, your team, and your practice. With electronic communication becoming the norm, it is critical that you learn to provide comprehensive, consistent security that is compliant with HIPAA federal standards. Learn more about an email system that is HIPAA-compliant.
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