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- Dentists can offer their patients the latest alternative to invasive endodontic treatment to maintain tooth vitality.
- A light-curable hydrophilic resin combined with MTA technology permits precise immediate placement and subsequent condensation of restorative material, resulting in a simple approach to long-term success.
- The calcium released by this hydrophilic liner and pulp-capping material seals the pulp, and its alkaline pH promotes healing and apatite formation—critical factors in pulpal protection.
Now available to forward-thinking clinicians are advanced new regenerative pulp-capping options that help maintain the vitality of teeth. When used for direct and indirect pulp capping in appropriate situations, a light-curable hydrophilic resin combined with MTA technology provides the means to induce healing and promote regeneration of tooth structure before more invasive treatment is required. It also maintains an alkaline environment, reduces postoperative sensitivity and bacterial contamination, and supports remineralization of the dentin and formation of new hard tissue—allowing the pulp to heal itself and survive long-term.
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